PTA General Meetings
Public PTA meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month from September to May, except for December. Most meetings are held in the school library, include light refreshments, and childcare is provided free of charge for potty-trained children age 4 and older.
The PTA Secretary posts meeting minutes for the last two years. Minutes prior to the last two years are available upon request.
October 21, 2020
10/21/2020 5:11 pm
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- P & L vs. Budget
- Reports:
- Family Buddy Program: Family Buddy Program is up and running. All families have been contacted; we are now scheduling first meetups. If you would like to join, please email Phyllis at
- Outreach Update: We are working on 3 projects:
- A winter coat drive- have 23 coats, are working on getting more
- Gathering Thanksgiving meal baskets for 30 families- reaching out to 4 local grocery stores and maybe setting up a drop box.
- And winter holiday support- (31 families) gifts, toys, clothing, meal, and groceries.
- Administrator’s Report:
- Midway through first quarter, interims went out at the end of last week-beginning of this week
- House Day on Friday focused on Assertiveness. Kindergarten sorted this week and will be joining all grades for this House Day.
- Amanda Peace is our new clerical in the front office.
- Matilda M. joined our Building Services crew part time.
- Wynell Frame is our new service provider with Balance Point- Ms. Alexander is working with several community resources as the number of needy families has understandably increased significantly during the closure.
- Open Door still working through the process to secure grant funding and the needed inspections to host a Learning Center in the building
- We are working to put safety measures in place in preparation for re-opening including plexi glass shields in the office, additional hand sanitizing stations, extra masks for children and adults as needed, increased signage, foot paths have been ordered.
- Our attendance and student engagement remain strong – Consistently above 97%.
- President's Report
- Video recording of the meeting
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