drop-off and pick-up for walkers and car riders
Parents must be masked and will be responsible for social distancing on school grounds.
Doors open at 8:55 and close at 9:10. Please do not use the main entrance: this is reserved for bus riders. Walkers will enter through separate entrances, depending on their grade: see map below.
Pre-K and Kindergarten: doors by Kindergarten hallway, next to AC chiller
First Grade and Ms. Harris' class: doors by primary playground (this is the playground by Fallsbrook Rd.)
Second Grade: doors by intermediate playground (this is the playground by Downshire Ct.)
Third-Fifth Grade: doors by intermediate playground
If you are driving, please be mindful of children walking and crossing the street. Do NOT:
- pull into the intersection or crosswalk when the crossing guard is holding up the STOP sign;
- make 3-point turns;
- park or stop in the No Stopping areas (alongside the front of the school on Spring Lake Drive);
- cross the street anywhere other than in the crosswalk.
The bus loop is closed in the morning. Please stop or park in one of the two designated drop-off zones:
- Downshire Court: Please keep traffic moving and DO NOT stop or park on the right side of the street. Continue driving until you've reached the end of the cul-de-sac, turn around and then pull up along the sidewalk on the school side. You can stop or park here, then after having dropped off your child, please carefully pull out and exit the Court.
- Fallsbrook Road: Please do not stop or park facing traffic. The safest way to drop off is by stopping on the school side of the road. If you must park across the street or on Harcroft Rd, walk to one of the crosswalks (at Fallsbrook & Hartfell or at Fallsbrook & Spring Lake) and follow the crossing guard's directions.
See map below.
Students being picked up will be dismissed from their exterior classroom doors at 3:35 (at 1:35 March 1-12).
If you are driving, you can park in the school parking lot or along the school side of Downshire Court or Fallsbrook Road. Be aware that busses will be pulling in and out of the bus loop.
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