Our Next PTA Meeting Is Coming Up
3/12/2025 12:00 am
Join us on Wednesday, 3/19 at 7pm for our next PTA meeting. All are invited to attend! General meetings are a great way to stay in the know, and to voice any questions or concerns you may have.
The Google Meet code is MarchPotSpringPTA. Use your child's BCPS credentials to log in. The agenda and reports will be posted here: https://psepta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-general-meetings.
Read MoreSpring Fling Book Swap
3/6/2025 9:17 pm
Now accepting gently used book donations at the front office for our Spring Fling Book Swap. Your donations will help your student earn Spring Fling incentives. More details coming soon!
We want:
- Early Reader through 6th Grade reading level, fiction and non-fiction
- New/Like New condition
- Paperbacks and Hardbacks
- English and Espanol
- Books approved by you to be donated (not books you want to save forever because granny gave them to you, etc.)
We do NOT want:
- Adult books
- Magazines
- Coloring/activity books
- Sticker books
- Books from fast food kid meals
- Damaged, colored in books
If you have already dropped off books at the office, please contact secretarypsepta@gmail.com. Additional Spring Fling Book Swap details and incentives to be announced soon!
Read MorePlayground Play Dates for K-2
3/6/2025 7:39 pm
Calling all K-2 students! Join us for some fun playground time, with coffee and donuts for the parents! We'll meet up on the following Saturday mornings from 9am to 11am: 3/15, 3/29, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24, and 6/14.
The play dates are intended for K-2 students, but all are welcome.
Read MorePie Day Means Pies in Faces and Pizza
3/6/2025 5:23 pm
You volunteered, so in many ways, your kids WIN! These 5 students will put a pie in teachers' faces Friday night, 3/14!
- Juliet Barley
- Hendrix Curtis
- Evie Rasmussen
- Lucy Rosenthal
- Nalin deSilva
There will also be prepaid, PIZZA-PIE pick up for PSE families to grab from 6-7pm that night. All PIZZA-PIE proceeds go directly to benefit the PTA. Order yours before Wednesday 3/12 at the end of day. Seasons Pizza has agreed to donate pizza to us if we order enough!
Click here to Purchase Pizza for pick up on March 14th 6-7pm
Read MoreSilent Auction Items Needed
3/4/2025 5:47 pm
Would you be interested in helping our Spring Fling fundraiser in a BIG way? We are looking for individuals and businesses to donate items for our Spring Fling's silent auction. We can provide proper tax documentation for all donated items.
Read MoreNext-Level Volunteering
3/4/2025 5:47 pm
Our volunteers are the BEST. Lots of our volunteers are "aging out" of our PTA, with their kids graduating to the next-level themselves. Would you consider stepping into some next-level volunteering yourself? There are lots of opportunities out there. We're thrilled that we've already had people step up for PTA Treasurer and Spring Fling Chair! Some other specific needs we know we'll have next year are:
- VP Events
- Fundraising Coordinator
- Spirit Wear Coordinator
- Spring Fling Co-Chair (email cmassicot@bcps.org)
Do you have gifts in these areas that you can bring to the table? We can answer all of your questions at potspringelementarypta@gmail.com.
Read MoreHop in the Fun as Fundraising Chair!
3/4/2025 5:46 pm
Would you like to be part of the rewarding adventure of arranging fundraisers with local restaurants and businesses? Reach out to Casey Massicot (cmassicot@bcps.org) if you are! She would love to show you the ropes through the remainder of the school year, so you can be ready in the coming school year.
Read MoreMind Over Matter
3/4/2025 5:45 pm
The Mind Over Matters (MOM) event is a wonderful opportunity for all students and families to attend a fun and informative afternoon focused on Mental Health Wellness. This year's Mind Over Matters event will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025, 10 a.m.-1:30 pm at the Carver Center located at 938 York Rd in Towson, MD.
Read MoreHouse Day Thank-You!
3/4/2025 5:44 pm
Thanks to some special donors, our house days for the rest of the school year are fully funded!
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One School, One Book: The Lemonade Wars
3/4/2025 5:38 pm
Enjoy reading the Lemonade War with your kids! Try your best to keep up with the reading calendar, as events will be planned that correspond with parts of the book.
Read MoreOur Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25
Box Tops is now digital! No more clipping. No more sending baggies of Box Tops to school!! All you need is your phone! Download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store!