October 21, 2020
10/21/2020 5:11 pm
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- P & L vs. Budget
- Reports:
- Family Buddy Program: Family Buddy Program is up and running. All families have been contacted; we are now scheduling first meetups. If you would like to join, please email Phyllis at presidentpsepta@gmail.com.
- Outreach Update: We are working on 3 projects:
- A winter coat drive- have 23 coats, are working on getting more
- Gathering Thanksgiving meal baskets for 30 families- reaching out to 4 local grocery stores and maybe setting up a drop box.
- And winter holiday support- (31 families) gifts, toys, clothing, meal, and groceries.
- Administrator’s Report:
- Midway through first quarter, interims went out at the end of last week-beginning of this week
- House Day on Friday focused on Assertiveness. Kindergarten sorted this week and will be joining all grades for this House Day.
- Amanda Peace is our new clerical in the front office.
- Matilda M. joined our Building Services crew part time.
- Wynell Frame is our new service provider with Balance Point- Ms. Alexander is working with several community resources as the number of needy families has understandably increased significantly during the closure.
- Open Door still working through the process to secure grant funding and the needed inspections to host a Learning Center in the building
- We are working to put safety measures in place in preparation for re-opening including plexi glass shields in the office, additional hand sanitizing stations, extra masks for children and adults as needed, increased signage, foot paths have been ordered.
- Our attendance and student engagement remain strong – Consistently above 97%.
- President's Report
- Video recording of the meeting
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25