January 15, 2025 PSE PTA General Meeting
1/15/2025 6:40 pm
- Meeting Info:
- Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
- Time: 7pm - 8pm
- Location: Online (Google Meet)
- Google Meet code: JanuaryPotSpringPTA
- Please log in with your student's Chromebook. The meeting will show the name of your child, and you can add your name to the meeting chat for the purposes of recording attendance.
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Agenda
- Reports:
- President's Report
- Treasurer: Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss
- Administrator's Report
- Pot Spring was thrilled to return to our Four Star Status on the Maryland School Report Card. We appreciate the hard work invested by our teachers, staff and students to make this happen!!!!!!
- Fourth Grade was our attendance winner for the month of December. Congratulations to fourth grade with 96.8% attendance!!!
- WIDA testing has started for our students receiving ESOL services.
- MAP testing for Grades 2-5 will begin at the end of the month.
- Schools are closed for students and teachers on Monday, January 20th in observance of MLK day
- We are excited to get One School One Book started! An invitation was sent out to community member to join us for a book selection meeting on January 21st at 4:15
- House Day is Friday January 24, 2025. We will celebrate Collaboration and introduce the virtue of Love. Classes will be making masks or headwear to represent their class. This is also the end of the 2nd quarter and a ½ Day for Students
- Schools are closed for students on Wednesday, January 29th for Professional Development.
- We have used 2 of our 3 traditional snow days. Should we exceed that number we will move to virtual instruction. A schedule will be posted to the PSE website and on Schoology. Details to follow.
- Thanks to Delegate Guyton’s office and Lauren Rosenthal’s initiative last year, a new digital sign for PSE is one step closer to becoming a reality. A funding request has been submitted on our behalf for this session. We will keep you posted on developments!!!
- We will be launching an attendance incentive in the month of February
- Reminders to parents:
When picking up early- please park in a parking spot, not the fire lane out front and please bring your ID.
When dropping off late- please park in a parking spot, not the fire lane out front and please walk in with your child and sign them in at the office.
- Fundraising Chair
- Restaurant Nights:
- Report coming soon
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25