October 16, 2024 PSE PTA General Meeting
9/12/2024 10:26 pm
- Meeting Info:
- Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
- Time: 7pm - 8pm
- Location: In-Person, exact location TBD, and on Google Meet
- Google Meet code: OctoberPotSpringPTA
Please log in with your student's Chromebook. The meeting will show the name of your child, and you can add your name to the meeting chat for the purposes of recording attendance.
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Recording not available
- Agenda
- Reports:
- President's Report
- Treasurer: Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss
- Administrator's Report
- Fifth Grade was our attendance winner for the month of September. Congratulations to fourth grade with 97% attendance!!!
- All grade levels have completed MAP testing
- MCAP results for our current fourth and fifth graders were send hoe last week.
- Pot Spring was the first recipient of the WBAL Weather Champion assembly! Tom Tasselmyer met with our third, fourth and fifth graders to talk about the weather and weather safety.
- The nurse could use gently used clothing in the health suite for spills and accidents
- Schools are closed for students and teachers on Friday, October 18th for the MSEA Convention
- House Day is Tuesday October 31st. We will celebrate Organization and introduce the virtue of Resilience. Classes will be making masks or headwear to represent their class. Teachers and room parents will collaborate for the craft activity.
- Schools are closed for students on November 1st for countywide Professional Development.
- Reminders to parents:
- When picking up early- please park in a parking spot, not the fire lame out front and please bring your ID.
- When dropping off late- please park in a parking spot, not the fire lane out front and please walk in with your child and sign them in at the office.
- Fundraising Chair
- Restaurant Nights:
Sweet Frog every 2nd Thursday. Our Next one is November 14th.
Texas Roadhouse 3:00-9:00 this Thursday October 17th. Please show your flyer to receive 10% of all sales for PSE back
Going to hold off on anything else since our big push is Race for Ed.
Nothing in the books for December besides sweet frog if any ideas please let me know.
Waiting on the check from Hightopps. Michelle Bell has been out on leave until next week so hope to get a total from Hightopps next week,
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25