September 18, 2024 PSE PTA General Meeting
9/12/2024 10:26 pm
- Meeting Info:
- Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
- Time: 7pm - 8pm
- Google Meet code: SeptemberPotSpringPTA
Please log in with your student's Chromebook. The meeting will show the name of your child, and you can add your name to the meeting chat for the purposes of recording attendance.
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Agenda
- Reports:
- President's Report
- Treasurer: Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss
- We had zero transactions for the first 2 months of the fiscal year, so there is nothing to report
- Administrator's Report
- We had a great start to the school year!!!! We currently have 440 students enrolled. All classroom positions are filled.
- A huge thank you to the Curran/DeLeon family for donating landscaping services once again to beautify our grounds.
- We want to thank our community partnerships including Grace Fellowship Church and Timonium United Methodist. They sent truckloads full of school supplies for our bluebirds to start the year. They will also be partnering with us to supply families in need with weekend food backpacks.
- Pot Spring is once again the recipient of generous donations from the Subaru Adopt a Classroom program. In addition to generous donations of classroom supplies for each grade level, Subaru of Hunt Valley dropped of school supplies for our students to start the year. We are so fortunate to have such supportive community partners.
- The window for MAP testing in grades 2-5 opens on Monday. Teachers will send a message home letting parents know when their students will test. Please encourage your student to do their best as this information is used to inform instructional decisions.
- Our EDA budget was reduced this year impacting the after-school programs we are able to offer.
- Improving student attendance is an initiative once again at Pot Spring and across Baltimore County. We want students here every day to take advantage of every opportunity for learning. We will be sending home monthly resources through the newsletter to support student attendance.
- Thank you to the PTA for supporting the safe arrival of all of our students in the morning. We continue to encourage the entire Pot Spring community to observe safe driving practices and traffic laws to keep all of our Bluebirds safe.
- VP Events
- Fundraising Chair
- Restaurant Nights:
Need to go to Sweetfrog to pick up the checks from our last two fundraisers.
Hightopps was 9/17
Sweetfrog is the second Thursday of each Month
Working on a fundraiser at Texas Roadhouse
Open for any and all ideas
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25