Sneak a Peek at your Seat + Back to School Night

8/16/2024 10:59 pm


We are so excited to welcome back our Bluebirds and meet our new Bluebirds and their families. Please join us on Thursday August 22nd from 4:30-7:30pm for our Pot Spring Elementary School Back to School Night. This night is a chance to meet your teachers and sneak a peek at your seat. Families are welcome. We will have a food truck for food for purchase, and complimentary Kona Ice. Feel free to bring a packed dinner and mingle during our Family Picnic time. Join in with Popsicles with the Principal, which starts at 4:30pm. See the Back to School Night flyer attached for additional details. We can't wait to see you. The full schedule of the evening is listed below:


Back to School Night Schedule:

4:30-5:00 Popsicles with the Principal

5:00-6:00 Family Picnic and Food Trucks (Charles Village Pub & Kona Ice)

6:00-6:30 PTA Meeting (Front of the school)

6:30-7:00 First Rotation of "Sneak a Peek at Your Seat"

7:00-7:30 Second Rotation of "Sneak a Peek at Your Seat"


back to school flier

back to school flier

back to school flier

back to school flier

back to school flier

back to school flier

 back to school flier
