May 15, 2024 PSE PTA General Meeting
5/14/2024 10:05 am
- Meeting Info:
- Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
- Time: 7pm - 8pm
- Google Meet code: MayPotSpringPTA
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Board Election Nomination Letter
- Agenda
- President's Report
- Treasurer: Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss
- Reports:
- Fundraising Chair:
- Casey Massicot reports that Spring Fling went amazing, and she is so grateful for the event and how it turned out despite the rain! Hoping to get a total of profit form Brandon soon to share.
- Next fundraiser coming up: Monday, June 3rd at Hunt Valley Ritas Italian Ice 11307 York Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21030) from 5 PM - 8 PM. No need to present a flyer, 20% of all sales between 5 PM-8 PM will be donated, whether they are with your fundraiser or not! Tell your friends and family!
- Sweet Frog monthly fundraisers will still happen over the summer on the 2nd Thursday of each month!
- Fundraising Chair:
- Administrator's Report:
- Fourth Grade was our attendance winner for the month of April! They enjoyed Spring Fling tickets as a reward.
- A huge thank you to the PTA and Mary Rose Schwarb for treating our teachers to a spectacular Teacher Appreciation Week. The smoothies, catered lunch, seated massages, Celebration sign and coffee truck were huge hits. They definitely felt the love!!!!
- Thank you to Cake by Jason and the Sokolis family for treating our teachers to sweet treats for Teacher Appreciation week.
- MCAP is finishing up this week with Math testing for our fifth graders. Make-up testing will take place this week and next as needed.
- Kindergarten and PreK registration were well attended. Please continue to spread the word to families in the neighborhood.
- Friday, May 17th is an asynchronous virtual day for students. Teachers will assign work on Schoology. Students must sign on to Schoology to be marked present for the day. Teachers will be at school engaged in Professional Development.
- School Closed Monday, May 27th
- Fifth grade Farewell will be held at Dulaney High School again this year. The ceremony will be Wednesday, June 12th at 1:30 PM.
- June 12th last day for Pre K
- June 13th and 14th half days for students, June 14th last day of school
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25