New PSE Community Outreach Account with Kid to Kid Timonium

9/28/2023 7:57 am

New PSE Community Outreach Account with Kid to Kid Timonium

Families and caretakers are welcomed to contribute to our “community closet” account by donating the buy-out proceeds from a Kid to Kid buy back to PSE’s Community Outreach store credit account. Upon buy-out check in, punch in the main number for PSE (443) 809-7648 and the account for Pot Spring Elementary Community Outreach will auto-populate in the buy system. Then select that you’d like to receive the payout in store credit. When the buyout is complete, it will generate an auto email to Ms. Hall to advise regarding credit added. The credit will then be gifted forward in the form of Kid to Kid gift cards distributed to PSE families in need of clothing/footwear assistance for children.


If you’ve never shopped at Kid to Kid, we can give you a referral certificate through which you can receive an additional $5 in credit towards your purchase, and our community account will receive a $5 credit as well. Please ask in the front office.
