November 16, 2022 PTA General Meeting
11/11/2022 7:29 pm
- Meeting Info:
- Date: 11/16/2022
- Time: 7pm - 8pm
- Google Meet code: NovemberPotSpringPTA
- Meeting Minutes:
- Agenda
- Reports
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- VP Events Report
- Restaurant Night Report
- Administrator's Report:
- The Bayscape replanting was a huge success thanks to our small army of volunteers 😊 We can’t wait to see the garden in full bloom in the Spring. Thank you to the PTA for supplying mulch to finish the project.
- American Education Week in full swing. We’ve had great attendance and students have loved being in the spotlight.
- Monday, November 21st Conference Day- all grades
- Tuesday, November 22nd Pre_K conference day and Turkey Trot for Gr. 4 and 5
- Wednesday, November 23rd House Day Celebrating Gratitude Introducing Love. ½ Day for Students and Staff
- The Star Lab is coming to Pot Spring!!!! Grades K-5 will visit the mobile planetarium November 30 through December 8th with their classes
- We welcomed Mrs. League back to fifth grade this week from maternity leave. We are thrilled to have her at Pot Spring!
- We made our selection for the One School One Book program. Thank you to the teachers and parents who have invested their time and talents to getting this project off of the ground. We will be sending home a Google Forms link to ask families about the number of books they would like as well as their language preference.
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 6
- Friday, February 7
- Thursday, February 13
- Sunday, February 16
- Monday, February 17
- Wednesday, February 19
- Saturday, February 22
- Tuesday, February 25