May 18, 2022
2/11/2022 8:24 pm
- Meeting Info:
- Date: 5/18/22
- Time: 7pm - 8pm
- Google Meet code: MayPotSpringPTA
- Meeting Minutes
- Agenda
- Nominating Letter
- Proposed Renewed Bylaws (pending Free State PTA approval)
- Reports
- President's Report
- Spring Fling was a huge success. It was wonderful to see so many of our families! Thank you to everyone who came out, and especially to our committee members and other volunteers who made it all happen.
- Banned Book Study We had a good turnout and a fruitful conversation. Participants indicated that they would be interested in discussing other books.
- Thank you to each and every one of you who engaged with the PTA this year. If you attended a meeting, attended one of our events, volunteered at an event or with a committee, purchased a membership, or donated to one of our fundraisers, you supported our Bluebirds. Time and time again, we’ve been amazed by the generosity of our community. And for that I am grateful.
- Vacant positions We are still looking for volunteers to help with Fundraising, Membership, Community Outreach and Landscaping. If you are interested in any of these positions, please email Mary Rose at
- Treasurer's Report
- VP Events Report
- Restaurant Night Report
- Administrator's Report
We celebrated Assistant Principal’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Principal’s Appreciation Day, and Nurse’s Day. Thank you to Mary Rose Schwarb and her team. Our staff was pampered with gift cards, massages, and a fabulous luncheon. We appreciate all of your support.
Our in-person Spring concert is Tuesday, May 24th . We will have two concerts during the day for the students and an evening performance for the parents. Third grade and fifth grade band and orchestra will be performing.
The Fifth Grade Farewell will be the last full day of school, June 14th in the morning. Each fifth grader will be able to invite two guests.
Test kits are still available in the office for families who were unable to pick up previously
Grades 3,4, and 5 will finish MCAP testing tomorrow. Make ups will be next week.
Spring is in full bloom here at PSE. The edible garden is producing a fantastic crop!!! We have a nest of bluebird eggs in one of the bluebird boxes in the front of the school.
A huge thank you to the Curran family for once again sponsoring a Spring spruce up of our front beds by a local landscaper. Everything looks beautiful.
We would happily accept donations for the next Bluebird Shop.We are still in great need of help in the cafeteria, in pre-K and as an additional adult in classrooms. Please share this information with family and friends. The hourly rate has been increased to $12.50 an hour. A huge thank you to volunteers who have stepped up to volunteer and lighten our load in the cafeteria.
- Yearbook Committee
- President's Report
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25