November 17, 2021
10/29/2021 11:26 pm
- Meeting Info:
- Date: 11/17/21
- Time: 7pm - 8pm
- Google Meet code: NovemberPotSpringPTA
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Reports
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- VP Events Report
- Race for Education: Last month's Race for Education was a great success. We raised $8,964 from the event (the goal was $8,000) that will help support our efforts to close the achievement gap. Donations will continue to be accepted through the end of the calendar year.
- Family Fall Fest: The event was well attended, with many new families coming out to play games and have fun. We also had a group of dancers from El Salvador who performed in celebration of Hispanic Heritage month. This was our first family fall fest and we hope to host the event again next year.
- Family Tech Talk Night: We had a few families attend the virtual Family Tech Talk Night that was hosted by internet experts from Micro Trend last month. We will continue to host an annual virtual tech talk night every fall/winter.
- Lego Night: Save the Date - Virtual Lego Night is back this year and will be held on Friday, January 28. PSE parent and Lego expert Kristin Brown along with 1st grade teacher Mrs. Rein will lead kids in fun and challenging Lego builds.
- New January Event: We are looking to do a new event in January, a hike or nature program at Oregon Ridge Nature Center on Sunday, January 9th. Details to follow.
- Restaurant Night Report
- We are continuing the rolling fundraisers at Sweet Frog and Tuitti Frutti. The most recent fundraiser was Saturday, November 13 with $64.65 raised at Chipotle. Last year many restaurants were unable to participate and host school fundraisers due to COVID, but recently that has changed so I am looking to add additional and new restaurant nights in the upcoming months.
- Administrator's Report
- American Education Week November 15-19 – Celebrating Schoolhouse Heroes- Families encouraged to send messages of gratitude to teachers
- Wednesday, November 17 – RISE Parent Night
- Thursday, November 18 – Pre-K and Kindergarten Night- Fall Into Literacy – Helping your young learner at home
- Thursday, November 18- Turkey Trot, 4th and 5th graders
- Friday, November 19 – PTA Breakfast - Conscious Discipline Presentation and Chat and Chew Session with Administration
- Monday, November 22- PreK conference day- no PreK
- Tuesday, November 23- Conference Day- Schools Closed for Students
- Wednesday, November 24- All schools and offices closed
- Students just completed MAP testing in grades 1-5
- COGAT testing coming up in early December for our third graders. One piece of data in looking at Advanced Academics placement.
- Outreach program organized Thanksgiving meals for 28 families
- We received a donation of winter coats from the Rotary Club for students who may need them
- Santa’s Helpers Anonymous will be supporting 28 families for the holidays with gifts and food. They are looking for drivers, gift wrappers, etc.
Our Blogs
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25