April 2021: Stacey Menegatti

4/15/2021 8:32 am
The PSE PTA would like to introduce our April volunteer spotlight, Stacey Menegatti.
- Hometown: Baltimore, specifically the Gardenville/Hamilton area of Balto city
- Your elementary school: Hazelwood Elem/Middle
- Your elementary school mascot: Owl
- Profession: Work at Mercy Ridge Retirement community as a concierge and in activity programming, also work as an Office Administrator for NeighborSpace of Baltimore County which is a nonprofit that tries to conserve green open spaces so that residents of Baltimore County have an open space within walking distance from their homes.
- Children/grade/teacher at PSE: Ryan/kindergarten/Blizzard
- Hobbies: scrapbooking, singing, playing piano, travel
- Favorite movie: Steel Magnolias
- Favorite beverage: Water
- Why do you volunteer: I volunteer because I want to make the world a better place, and seeing as how our students are the future citizens and leaders, I want to help elevate the whole school experience; building their brains with not only academics, but also wellness and self care. I want students to have as much support as possible through these formative years.
- What you love most about PSE: I'm new to PSE, I've barely stepped foot into the building! But it's not the building that matters, it's the hard working teachers, administrators, staff and PTA volunteers that have made the experience throughout this strange school year so phenomenal! I cannot be more thankful to be a part of this community and to have my son here. It's truly the people that make "the place".
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