November 2020: Lauren Rosenthal

10/19/2020 9:53 pm
Lauren is a valued PSE Bluebird Volunteer. She's been active in multiple PTA sponsored events including Race for Education, Spring Fling and most recently dedicated countless grueling summer/fall hours weeding our BayScape and outdoor classroom. We are so grateful for her time and effort to make our community stronger. Thank you Lauren!
- Names and grades of children at PSE - Quinn (3rd), Lucy (1st), and Cooper (PreK)
- Profession - Healthcare Recruiter
- PSE PTA events you've participated in - Race for Education - It's a day where the air has a palpable excitement in it. Students are so excited about the efforts they've made on behalf of the PTA, but even more excited about racing their friends for that coveted ice cream prize.
- Favorite part of PSE - Our diverse community: the efforts our administration and staff make to foster that sense of community accountability within our student population, and the way that our PTA/parents rally together to support that community.
- Name and Mascot of your elementary school - Carroll Manor Elementary - Carroll Manor Crusaders are We! (I can still sing the entire school song :) )
- Favorite meal - Fat MD steamed crabs, picked slowly with friends while enjoying great conversation.
- Hobbies - Working in my garden, scrapbooking, reading.
- Pets - Fish (technically Quinn and Lucy's) - Anna, Pineapple, Clam, and Humphrey
- If you could have a secret super power what would it be - Flight
- Favorite book and movie - Harry Potter series and Anchorman
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